Where We Ship

Orders placed on ELEGOO official website can be shipped to the following countries and regions:

Shipping Area Shipping To Shipping From Estimated Delivery Time
Normal Product Pre-owned Product Pre-order Product
North America the United States the United States 3-7 workdays 4-8 workdays We will ship the product according to the estimated delivery time on the page, after shipment, it takes 3-7 workdays for delivery.
Canada Canada
Asia Pacific Australia Australia
Japan Japan
Europe the United Kingdom, Jersey the United Kingdom
Germany EU warehouse 2-5 workdays 3-7 workdays We will ship the product according to the estimated delivery time on the page, after shipment, it will take several workdays for delivery, similar to the Normal Product.
Austria, Belgium, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden 3-7 workdays 4-8 workdays
Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Romania 4-8 workdays 5-9 workdays
Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Portugal, Spain 5-9 workdays 6-10 workdays
Greece, Malta 6-10 workdays 7-11 workdays
Cyprus, Norway, Switzerland 7-15 workdays 8-16 workdays