Where We Ship
Orders placed on ELEGOO official website can be shipped to the following countries and regions:
Shipping Area | Shipping To | Shipping From | Estimated Delivery Time | ||
Normal Product | Pre-owned Product | Pre-order Product | |||
North America | the United States | the United States | 3-7 workdays | 4-8 workdays | We will ship the product according to the estimated delivery time on the page, after shipment, it takes 3-7 workdays for delivery. |
Canada | Canada | ||||
Asia Pacific | Australia | Australia | |||
Japan | Japan | ||||
Europe | the United Kingdom, Jersey | the United Kingdom | |||
Germany | EU warehouse | 2-5 workdays | 3-7 workdays | We will ship the product according to the estimated delivery time on the page, after shipment, it will take several workdays for delivery, similar to the Normal Product. | |
Austria, Belgium, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden | 3-7 workdays | 4-8 workdays | |||
Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Romania | 4-8 workdays | 5-9 workdays | |||
Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Portugal, Spain | 5-9 workdays | 6-10 workdays | |||
Greece, Malta | 6-10 workdays | 7-11 workdays | |||
Cyprus, Norway, Switzerland | 7-15 workdays | 8-16 workdays |