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ELEGOO Established Sponsorship with fizzPOP Makerspace to help members enjoy MSLA 3D Printing

ELEGOO Established Sponsorship with fizzPOP Makerspace to help members enjoy MSLA 3D Printing

fizzPOP – Birmingham’s Makerspace, is run on a non-profit basis to serve the creative interests of members and non-members alike. Whether you’re interested in crafting, electronics, woodwork, metalwork, knitting, sewing, programming, prototyping,  robotics, or nearly anything else. The big idea is to have the tools members can’t afford/justify or fit at home, so they have them in the workshop.

fizzPOP was established in 2009 and has 1000+ members, all of whom are programming, DIY, and technology enthusiasts. Topics learned include handcrafting, laser engraving, electronics, CNC, 3D printing, and more.

For ELEGOO, we have always wanted to do our best to help more people learn and understand 3D printing and experience the fun of 3D printing. After learning about the sponsorship needs of the Makerspace, we quickly sponsored ELEGOO MARS 3 PRO MSLA 3D printer.


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